Strengthen your Communication with Your Animals

Think about your animal companion and the number of years you have shared their company as well as all the parts of your life they have witnessed.  Together you have spent years living life, the ups and downs, the ins and the outs throughout it all they have been compassionately loving you. 

Think of the understanding you have of each other. You each know each other's likes, and dislikes, you understand each other's personalities, you know each other's habits and routines.  You have developed your own way of communicating with each other.  Your heart connection with your animal companions strengthens the trust of the universal heart language of connection, intuition and love.  

Animals want to assist us in gaining a deeper understanding of the constant conversation we’re already in with them so that we come to trust the messages we think we’re receiving. For them,  words are like a babbling brook and true communication is broadcast by the body.  Verbal communication is only 20% of it. The rest is empathy, telepathy, intuition and psychic senses (we all have them.)  Your body is a telepathic sending and receiving station. 

Empathy is the transference of emotions and sensations from one being to another. For example: You may sense your animal's sadness or frustration when you leave. 

Telepathy pertains to mind and thought and involves the transference of thought from one being to another without speaking or visual prompts of any kind. For example: The thought comes to you that your dog needs to go out before he even stands up.   

If you already have strong spiritual and emotional connections, both telepathy and empathy occur more naturally. Being in tune with each other’s energies opens communication channels more easily.  Your companions are tuned into your radio station, just like you are with them. Acknowledging the communication you’re receiving from your companion animals helps strengthen the connection. You are their number one station and they are your biggest fan. Let your fan know you hear them!

The Psychic Senses  are ways that your body and spirit receives more subtle information, beyond and corresponding to the five ‘normal’ senses, seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting, and touching. These are not bound by space or time. 

Clairsentience is a clear sensation or feeling. One perceives information via a “feeling” in the whole body, without any outer stimuli related to the feeling or information. For example you could feel your dog's sadness when they leave, or a pain in your hand or foot, and later find a thorn in their paw. 

Clairconnection is a clear heart connection.  (This psychic sense was told to me by the animals and nature). This is the universal mechanism through which all forms of consciousness communicate with each other and includes the capacity to speak with animals and other parts of the natural world.

Clairaudience is a clear hearing. One intuitively ‘hears’ vocal messages from animals or other non human, word-speaking beings. You may hear your animal companion speak to you in words while you’re thinking about them.. 

Clairvoyance  is clear seeing with the mind’s eye. One receives pictures, extrasensory impressions, symbols and colors that aren’t in physical reality.  For instance, you may see an image of a closed window and realize your cat wants you to open the window.

Claircognizance is clear knowing. One receives a knowing about something without knowing how they know it. It includes having thoughts that make no sense as to why you’d have that thought or where it came from. For example: You suddenly know that your cat is stuck under the bed.

We all have these abilities. In the same way that we have the ability to see, hear, feel, smell and taste. You have been communicating with your animals for years. Now is a good time to strengthen those intuitive muscles by bringing presence and mindfulness to how you communicate with them.


Focus: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes


Animal Communication Can Be Easy